Leading Towards a Brighter Tomorrow

Linda is one of 6 children born to Jimmy and Elizabeth Álvarez. This hardworking family has farmed the Hatch Valley for many generations.

After graduating from Hatch Valley High School, Linda followed in her older brother's footsteps and settled on the East Coast in Baltimore, MD. There, she was employed by the Social Security Administration & Medicare/Medicaid Programs and attended college full-time after work. Her organization & people skills were so appreciated that she was quickly promoted to executive assistant to the Commissioner for the Social Security Administration, a Political Appointee during the Carter Administration. She traveled with the Executive Team to Washington, D.C. 

After 20 years in Baltimore, Linda returned home to New Mexico. She worked as a bilingual claims representative, administering benefits to retirees and survivors and Supplemental Security Income benefits to the most vulnerable citizens in our society. At this point in her life, she was awarded a full scholarship to the College of Santa Fé. After graduation, Linda became an advocate for all people with disabilities and traveled to all 33 New Mexico counties to serve them. This advocacy led to the founding of the N.M.'s Mi Via Program, which allows people with developmental disabilities and those at risk to have more independence to live their best lives. 

Outside of her professional and advocacy work, Linda continued to pursue her love for sports. She was an active member of the Bad News Babes, playing third base and batting clean-up. Her love for volleyball also led her to be the hitter for her team, which shared the same name. In addition to these team sports, Linda participated in individual athletic challenges, running many long-distance races, including the Penn-Relays Marathon in Philadelphia, PA, and even heading to the Olympic Trials.

Linda is deeply focused on exploring the potential opportunities for the citizens of Southwestern New Mexico and is dedicated to voicing their concerns in the New Mexico Legislature.


Economic Development and Job Creation:

    • Creating Jobs and Supporting Small Businesses: Linda is committed to fostering economic growth by supporting local businesses, attracting new industries, and creating job training programs to boost employment opportunities.

    • Empowering Entrepreneurs: She will advocate for policies that provide financial support, tax incentives, and regulatory relief for small businesses and entrepreneurs, ensuring a thriving local economy.


    • Investing in Our Future: Linda believes in the power of education to transform lives. She will push for increased funding for schools, support for teachers, and improved educational facilities to ensure every child in House District 32 has access to quality education.

    • Expanding Higher Education Opportunities: She will work to enhance access to higher education and vocational training, providing scholarships and support programs to help residents achieve their educational goals.

Public Safety and Healthcare:

    • Ensuring Safe Communities: Linda prioritizes public safety and will advocate for enhanced law enforcement resources, community policing, and crime prevention programs to keep our neighborhoods safe.

    • Access to Quality Healthcare: She is committed to improving healthcare access, particularly in rural areas. By supporting healthcare infrastructure and services, they aim to ensure that all residents receive the care they need.

Government Transparency and Accountability:

    • Transparent Governance: Linda will work to ensure government operations are transparent and accountable. She will promote open communication, regular town halls, and a responsive decision-making process to keep the community informed and involved.

    • Community Engagement:

      • Listening to You: Linda values the voices of House District 32 residents. She pledges to remain accessible, listen to concerns, and actively engage with the community to ensure everyone's needs are met.

      • Building Together: She believes in the power of collaboration and will work alongside community members, local leaders, and organizations to build a better future for House District 32.